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Seminar opening the 2nd call in Polish Tech Bridges

The seminar opening the second application call in Polish Tech Bridges will be held on 6 September in Warsaw. Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH), the coordinator of program, invites especially those companies interested in expanding to the markets of China, Vietnam or Japan.

Polish Tech Bridges program is directed to those companies that have the potential to internationalize their products, services or technologies and plan to expand into one of the 20 markets identified in the initiative, including  China, Vietnam and Japan.

By taking part in the project, you will receive financial support up to PLN 200,000 which may cover the costs of expert advisory services, acquisition of skills and practical information in the context of the development your business abroad, broaden knowledge as well as build and improve the expansion model and program.

If you want to learn more about the program or take part in it, read the details or register for the opening seminar (until 6 September). During the meeting PAIH representatives will show you the conditions of doing business in China, Japan and Vietnam, as well as answer any questions about PMT. The agenda of the meeting also includes workshops about protection of intellectual property on the Chinese market and logistics. Participation in the seminar is free, however, the number of places is limited.

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